We have moved!

Dear members and supporters of CSCCA

We are grateful for all of your support throughout the years either financially or otherwise, but due to the fact that the building where we are at sustained substantial damage since April, 2021 and was deemed unsafe by the Building Department of the City of Coral Springs, we are compelled to vacate the premise effective August 31st, 2021.

Prior to us securing a new location for CSCCA, we are resorting to utilize the following means of communication:

Telephone:       954-753-4788

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 8610, Coral Springs, FL 33075

Email: info@coralspringschinese.org

This is our way of keeping in touch with all of our members and for you to get any updates regarding school and cultural activities and also updates on our new location.

Thank you again for your support and your understanding.


Sak Chen, President




臨時郵寄地址:P.O. Box 8610, Coral Springs, FL 33075



珊瑚泉中華文化協會 會長

陳運全 謹啓